RaptureRebornMMORPG Wiki

Sitemap  :

Dead Kitties ? - Did Levine & Co Have Something Against Cats ????


RAPTURECat : "Can I Haz ADAM ??"


So Cute. So Insane. So Deadly.

Little Booties Cat Food -- "The Cat Food 'Cats Ask For By Name' " - with ADAM in Rapture, that might be literally true !

Cat-ure Continued :

"He owns the Nip, so He's the Guvnor" - FluffyMcDonagh

Katmandu - the Cat Paradise/Utopia  - Until the Catnip farms failed and the population went insane !!!

Tuna !!!  The Great Catbox pulls Everyone Forward... - Andrew RussianBlue

Katmandu's Fluffiest of 1952


Of course, Cats are appropriate for a Jazz band ...


"Cry 'Havoc!', and let slip the Cats of war" Such a good Shakespearean phrase that SOME 'Boss' in the MMOPRG *HAS* to say it at every opportunity ...

Cats Seen In Rapture :

Perhaps the cats utility was higher, and all the dogs had long previously been eaten ( when people didn't have enough to eat ). Cats can catch vermin ( which can be extremely annoying constantly attacking you while you sleep ) -- Cats have a very useful ability.

I've heard Dogmeat is far more palatable than Catmeat ( something sour about meat of pure Carnivores... )

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"Schrödinger" - The Cat Still Frozen There In Dionysus :

Just a little minor cellular freeze damage ... We've all had worse ...   ( Room was sealed off from the flooding ?? )

So would it be the first animal to be back in the game  ( a decent cat with animation and AI behavior) revived for the New City (to help take care of the vermin problem ).

Hope the Cat didn't sneak a lick at Sander Cohen's "cocktails" ( his recreational ADAM mixes ), don't want no tumors marring its furry body.

Of course, you could just go kidnap more 'Kitties' from The Surface  ( The Smuggling never did quite end ), though Schrödinger probably was one of the breeds which 'adapted' to life in Rapture ( We saw lots of what appeared to be clones ).

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Were All The Cats in Rapture Clones ?? ( Beside all Being in a Strange Stiff Death Pose ) : 

We can probably put that one down to minimal Game Asset (prop) creation for a low-priority game detail.

Smugglers would have no problem picking up strays up on The Surface, and Cats are actually a practical method of handling the inevitable vermin that would (not might) get into Rapture.   Cats are survivors, and there likely would be more than a few still living in the City by the time of the MMORPG.   Assuming a reasonable production of fish, Cats would probably ingratiate themselves with at least some Splicers.

Realistic (living) Cat animations/behaviors would be in the MMORPG to address the shortcoming ( after seeing all the 'rat' animations, you will say "Oh cats, yeah sounds a good idea." )

CatPP 2

Cats musta been popular pets since we see so many (corpses) of them.



An obviously overused model asset


Cat PG 0

Another poor kitties - strange they all are exactly same color and pattern ...

CatPP 1

Cats would probably be one of the last things living in Rapture. The Splicers liked them enough to not eat them, yet they left their furry friends corpses all over the place ...


MO LOvelace

Poor Kitties - Did the Game Devs hate Cats or sumthin ?? ( Minerva Operations )

Catbird PD

Cat in cage in Sinclair Deluxe in Paupers Drop


MD Turing

Minervas Den Kitty ( CAN YOU FIND THEM ALL !!!!! )

Looks to be in the 'The Thinker' (the Third Level) map.



Unfortunate Kitty in Welcome Center


Cat Arcadia

Arcadia. Some Plants are poisonous to Kitties, apparently.


Kitty arcadia33

Arcadia Waterfall Grotto Maintenance Pump Room. Plant detritus attracts rat infestation.



Hole-in-the-wall Splicer Hideout in Fontaine Futuristics. Obviously a pet kept by a Splicer. One thing Cats WERE DEFINITELY GOOD FOR was keeping vermin away from you while you were sleeping. No doubt the MMORPG will have LIVE cats wandering about.


Hestia poorkitty

Hestia ( amazing the starving people there didn't eat it ).

Olympus kitty


Olympus Heights - Much easier to show a static Dead Cat than a live one.


Olympus cohen kitty

Norwegian Forest Cat (in Cohen's Apartment) Pining For The Fiords



Pointprom kitty


Point Prometheus Cat ( hidden in that room you have to thaw the ice to get into ... )

Good news is that in the MMORPG there would be Live Kitties ( and a probably a needed public fine/jail sentence for killing them ).



Another poor kitty to be found in Point Prometheus - but is amazing that they were around ( useful for keeping vermin down in all those hard to reach spots ). Perhaps Suchong, at one time, suggested having ADAM enhanced GIANT KITTIES to handle the Anarchist Splicer problem ???


Some things are just too strange to talk about




An A-MEW-SING Picture :



Remember THIS GUY who used to like putting Cats in Boxes with Radioactive Isotopes that might trigger and kill them ... Yeah, that's Shrodinger, of Quantum Physics fame. Maybe in the MMORPG, HE can be shown in a 'Box'.


Stupid Splicer Story - Spliced Cats in Rapture ( or an alternate dimension's 'Cature' ) Stealing Time Travel through a Quantumz Tear, and 'going back in time' to chew up Schrödinger's face in revenge for the WHOLE box thing. THERE, That's a "story" better than what you got in Infinite BS. (( And NO stupid writer interviews trying to explain how their quantum claptrap was real science ... ))

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Cats Singing Popular Tunes - A Sign of the Coming Apocalypse ( Quite Popular in Rapture just before the Civil War started ) :

Lots of contemporary Surface songs that no royalties would need to be paid for .... ( except the note patterns are still protected,  so 'scratch' that ).

Hmmmm, Was that the Meow Meow Song we heard in Hestia Chambers in BS1 ???

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Strange Audio Diary :

"AAAAAAAAHHHHHH!!!! .... The Cat Splicer has torn off my leg ... If you are listening to this this, you also are ... Oh No .... DOOOOMED !!! ....... Roowwwwwrrrrrrrrrrr *Crunch* ........"

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Biggles Hit The Big Time ...

ADAM-Powered Singing Cats ( Another Failed Entrepreneur Project )

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Schrödinger's Cat was Used to Test the Vita-Chambers ? :

In one accident in these experiments, the test machine started cloning the Cat ( that's why we see so many that look exactly the same all over Rapture... )   SO that's a Third option to that 'Thought Experiment' - Every time you open the box there is ANOTHER live cat that climbs out  ( Well, Schrödinger never really considered all the aspects of that parallel universe stuff ... )

If someone hadn't thought quickly, and poured their Cup of Coffee into the machinery, there might have been countless (infinite) Cats now in Rapture.

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The Cat is Alive [1]:

Schrödingers Cat we see frozen in Dionysus Park (Art Gallery) is the old one ( Eleanor may have remembered it from when she lived there ).  The New one was the test subject Eleanor used to test and correct the Vita-Chamber process Delta would emerge from.  ( The Delta Project test failures were getting messy, as she slowly worked out the bugs ).

Theoretically ( if this game was Fantasy ), you could use a Vita-Chamber as a cloning machine, but as it takes a body mass of ADAM Stem Cells to work, it is rather expensive ( No wonder it took Eleanor so long ... ).  Vita-Chambers won't be used as a 'Resurrection' machine in the MMORPG, only as a potentially expensive repair system for the near dead ( and the game is oriented to that not happening frequently ).   Good thing bad results are to be alot less-fatal, and likely a much more interesting experience.

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Quantum Cat Theory :

Some people will claim that the universe is based on the properties of small 'strings', which exhibit various properties required to define the observable operations of energy and matter.  They are WRONG !!! The actual model to base the fundamental being of EVERYTHING is the existence of teeny tiny purring cats.

What ?  It doesn't make sense ?  There isn't any proof ?  Is that not the same with 'String Theory' which is just a visualization mechanism to try to impart ideas about the hidden systems which define the universe?

The little purring cats can do everything those 'strings' do, and more.  They can even 'play' with tiny strings...

No doubt, Sinclair, on hearing this theory applied to the Vita-Chamber technologies he was involved in creating, at once declared against mentioning it and suggested substituting 'Quantum Entaglement' ( alluding to String Theory ) as a marketing device.   His-reasoning was : Why cut out half the possible customers who were 'dog people' ?

Quantum Cats also are too smart to go for that 'Multiverse BS' which some people believe in.

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Cat-ure :

An odd (in Rapture ?) reported story of some cats who 'got into some Brain Boost', apparently learned how to operating one of the fishing subs, and have their little colony of 'intelligent' felines over in some remote corner/section of Rapture, cut off from all the crazy "two-legs".

Amazing the 'tails' that come out of some ADAM_Addled brains ( If you wish to find that place, first consider the rumor comes from 'Splicers' ).

Brain Boosted Cats - It is what REALLY caused The Fall of Rapture :

Ryan's Catnip Control system wasn't finished in time.

Mr Bigglesworth now runs Rapture :

No Hairballs
No Humans
No Ceiling Cat
Only We Pussycats.

A Feline Society seeking to be free from being dragged down by 'Dogs' and Cat-Haters.

"Who Is FELIX ?"

Trans-Dimensional Tear having appeared in Andrew Lloyd Webber's garden shed ...


Making of 'Cature' SEE Alternate Alternates

Animating Cats is not all that easy ( *YOU* try putting a cat in a 'Motion Capture' Suit ... AND THEN getting it to do the 'Moves' ...).

Seeing what they did in "Red Dead Redemption 2" (the Cats in the game) as an improvement ...

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Chow Chow Chow ... :

Cute but inane Cat Food Commercials,  Purina Cat-Chow/Little-Friskeys/Meow-Mix equivalent,  Aloof Brand's  dancing/singing cat(s), quite sophisticated for 1958 ( when such TV productions were largely curtailed in Rapture ).

Such things are leftovers from the "Old Days" ... but with New Rapture starved for TV content, these would be used to fill the airwaves again.   One popular show "Out of Time" shows old newsreels, documentaries, interviews, public announcements, home movies and such.  If you find any such materials in your adventures, bring them back to civilization where they can once again be seen.

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Fuzzy, The Painting Cat ( much acclaimed, until Sander Cohen had this Rival killed ).

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Find all articles about Shrodlinger, etc ...

Dead Kitty List :

  • Fontaine Futuristics in passage to Demo room near Telekinesis Demo Machine (yes you can throw cat at the target ...)
  • Fontaine Futuristics in the 2nd floor wall (hole) passage going to the Operating Room below
  • Paupers Drop Fishbowl Diner Kitchen
  • Paupers Drop Sinclair Deluxe  in room with Bird cage on 2nd floor

Cats are individuals (Ryan-like!!) vs Dogs being group (collectivist) oriented ??  Nah too subtle, just that certain people really just don't like Cats ...  Perhaps all the dead Dogs were quickly eaten ?  Hmmm, 'Hot Dog' WAS up on the menu board in the "Fish Bowl Diner" ( not really (old sign ?), as they had run out of 'Dog' long previous to BS2 - probably more 'Rat' than anything ).

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An Actual (REAL) Ad :

"Temptations has Made a Collar That Finally Gives Your Cat a Human Voice, So It Can Talk to You After all these millennia - A breakthrough ?"

Since the dawn of time, humans have been confounded by Cats, those mystifyingly aloof creatures whose inner thoughts are famously inscrutable. But no longer ! Temptations Cat Treats has invented a cat collar that lets your feline speak in a human voice—so you can finally understand (though probably not) exactly what she is trying to tell you.

"The Temptations Catterbox", created by London ad agency adam & eve DDB, contains a microphone, speaker, Bluetooth technology and WiFi. It captures the Cat's meows and translates them into human speech—words that may or may not actually be what they're trying to say.

(( I wonder if an Accu-Vox could have something like this built into it ??  : " Fluffy here. Want more Tuna, human. I expect you to hold to your side of bargain." ))

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Sander Cohen's Ill-fated "The Producers", attempted done entirely with Cats. "But it was such a good idea !" - Sander Cohen

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Splicers Delusions : The possibilities are endless ...

The Cat Lady of Rapture - a possible MMORPG 'Boss' ...

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Cat from Red Dead Redemption 2 - Graphics got better in the decade ...

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We might Look Forward to Improved Cats - Here a Kitty from "Red Dead Redemption 2" (2018)

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Cats were commonly seen in Rapture

Vermin Control would be a good reason that Cats would exist in Rapture.

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Fail Cat is the Patron Saint of Gamemaker Inept Failures

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REAL CATS Don't Live In A Land Of Fantasy

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"Cats In Rapture Know Far More Than People Think" - Dr Langford

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Humor :

ADAM-powered Singing Cats - Yet Another failed Project ( Potential Cohen "sabotoge" story ... )

More of the 'garage business' type of thing for the game - which usually is not mentioned 99% of which are failures.

Some are mere Rumors - a fairly easy Asset to add by the Player Game Collaborators.

The "Kitten Gun" - Another odd Splicer Rumor ( Must be a whole lot worse than Insect Swarm Bees

??? )  

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Snuggles Vermin Control ...

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Alternate Universes : Cat Rapture :

Would there be many Dead Levines - to be found (at least one) in each game level  ????

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  1. To the "Thought Experiment" that Schrödinger created with a Cat in a Box, and a Poison Capsule and 'Probability' of a Quantums-sort being involved.


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End of : *** KittyCatsInRapture ***






...... Sitemap ............ Page_Index ......






Now for an Advertisement from Ryan Industries ...


Spoiler Warning !

This WIKI contains plot details about the BioShock games.




Fantasy ? ? ? I Andrew Ryan Reject This !!!

Is not the Player due a proper Sci-Fi game paid for by the $60 Sweat of their Brow ??? The Game Companies say " NOOOOOOOOO ! The players will eat whatever rubbish we set before them !! "

"SO I left the Parasites and created "BioShock: Rapture Reborn" , a MMORPG place where the Player will FEEL they are in a real 'World Under the Sea', and the Players IMAGINATION will Pull The Great Chain !!! ..... "






WARNING - This Website is *** NOT SAFE FOR WORK ***



*** Warning - Fanboi Head Explosion Zone ***

Contrary Opinions are Being Offered HERE !!!!

|||||||||||||| Sitemap |||||||||||||| Index |||||||||||||| Humor ||||||||||||||


Because I WANT computer games to be better than what we typically get from the Game Industry, and perhaps by pointing out ClapTrap like BioShock Infinite, strong criticisms being voiced might serve to SHAME the makers of such substandard games, and MIGHT cause them to DO BETTER in Future.


I wont hold my breath that this will happen though.

Note - This Wiki is for people who have the ability to NOT lose attention for content posted in MORE than 144 Characters of TEXT


Money makes Rapture go round...

Drink *CalciO* And Achieve Greatness !!!


















WARNING - YES, This whole Wiki is a 'Thought Experiment', and YOU are the Test Subjects !!!!!

( So are YOU Alive or Dead as per this whole Concept ??? )



*WARNING* - This MMORPG contains blood and gore, intense violence, mild sexual themes, strong language and use of alcohol and tobacco.



*WARNING* - Fanbois May Find The Content of This Wiki Confusing and Distressingly Contradictory to Their Narrow Miniscule Mindsets. Some Head Explosions May Result



*** Fanboi Spoilage Alert ***  :

The contents of this Wiki may Collapse the Fanboi's vision of the BioShock games from being "The most greatest awesomeness thing evah !!", into just one of the many average games ... ( Your reason for existing may decline severely and/or your entire viewpoint of the universe may be utterly crushed. )

You have been warned.



MANY Images on the Rapture Reborn Wiki are taken from the BioShock video game series or from websites created and owned by 2K Games, the Copyright of which is held by Take-Two Interactive Software, Inc. All Trademarks and Registered Trademarks present in those images are proprietary to Take-Two Interactive and its subsidiaries. The use of such Images to illustrate articles concerning the subject of the images in question is believed to qualify as fair use under United States Copyright Law, as such display does not significantly impede the right of the copyright holder to sell the Copyrighted material and is not being used to generate profit in this context.
































Final Disclaimer : I am aware that various Fanbois think any kind of negative or different comments about BioShock makes me a "Poo Poo Head" ( in their minds ), and they feel fully justified in their 'Being So Offended' by my contrary ideas, and for their fervent wish to Silence anyone talking/thinking expressing such things ...

But I don't give a Rodents Rectum about such small-mindedness and slavish infantile infatuation with a game ( or its writers ), Nor for those who merely complain-whine out of their own Attention Whoring mental issues.



