RaptureRebornMMORPG Wiki

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From An Authority : "ADAM Explained"  :

Tenenbaum Audio Diary : "ADAM acts like a benign cancer, destroying native cells and replacing them with unstable stem versions. While this very instability is what gives it its amazing properties, it is also what causes the cosmetic and mental damage. You need more and more ADAM just to keep back the tide. From a medical standpoint, this is catastrophic. From a business standpoint, well ... Fontaine sees the possibilities."

Tenenbaum did not have the words to technically describe it, nor possessed our Modern Genetic Science to know how ADAM really worked. So she gave her opinion ( "acts like" ) of merely what she observed.

ADAM should work by converting your OWN BODY's cells back into Stem Cells (unformed cells), so they can be regrown ( The Real World mechanism wasn't even identified until the 1960s ).

In Rapture, early ADAM products were medical treatments to restore a person by using their own (original) DNA pattern already in all their cells ( ADAM targeted into damaged tissues as a healing therapy ).

The human modification Plasmids/Tonics add additional DNA or RNA ( to create their 'abilities' ), and that conflicts with the subject's natural DNA, causing all kinds of problems ( like eventual tissue rejection ). So the effects are only temporary, as you body's own DNA tries to reassert itself. The more conflicting the introduced genetic material, the more messed up the subject gets ( and the more Damage to your body - Tumors etc ...). More generic ADAM is then required to Repair that damage as you Splice more ( having additional Plasmids just complicate your health problems ). Notice in the game that few Splicers had more than one Plasmid.

ADAM cannot be 'Stem Cells' itself ( Stem Cells are YOUR OWN tissue cells containing YOUR own DNA ). Impossible for such to originate in a Sea Slug organism, or similarly to be some human-compatible cells. WE saw Splicers with massive body changes (like Spider Splicers), which would have had to ingest a large portion of their bodyweight to be so changed ( if ADAM even were 'stem cells' ) - Ludicrous to fit in a small bottle.

So to work, ADAM would be a chemical cocktail which causes human tissue to REVERT to Stem-Cell form, to subsequently either Reform normally ( using your own DNA ), or to have some select introduced genetic changes to be grown into the tissue.

It could thus function as a Venom for a Sea Slug through disrupting its prey's body by disfunctioning sufficient tissue (killing it).

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"Stem Cells" Are Unformed Cells :

Something in the refined ADAM Bio-Chemicals changes tissue in your body ( your own tissue ) back into Stem Cells .

Healing would happen with the Stem Cells having the users own DNA being impelled to reform the correct body tissues, which is then integrated into the body. ( Replacing damaged tissue ).

The genetic Plasmid (DNA/RNA) changes cause the unformed cells to develop into whatever tissue is needed for the desired 'ability'.

EVE powers up that tissue ( via a mod to the specialized tissue cell metabolism ).

Many Game Plasmid effects might be physiologically possible, some are really something other than what they are called ( but with a similar effect ). Some are just physically impossible ( the gamewriters had to have splashy/different effects for the 'SHOOTER' activities ).

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Addictive Effect of ADAM :

Impetus to use Plasmids and Tonic in Rapture had to be more than just utility (job related) or consumer convenience.  The expense varied ( enough that some common types were 'give-aways' for promotionals ).   Hints of Splicing for 'the high' was shown ( BS2 and the Novel ).  Would it not have to be more/better effect than other existing 'recreational' Drugs which were NOT illegal in Rapture ( Smuggled in or produced locally - Note - another Smuggler class of item to add to the list ) for them to bother (or was it 'Trendy' ... ).  Was the effect(s) that much better or cheaper Than those others ?   Were 'designer' ADAM drugs 'cooked up' by the bootleggers specifically for this purpose ?   Genetic manipulation to Stimulate Brain chemicals ( ie- Endorphins ) directly could be quite powerful ( and potentially do monumental damage ).  Is it possible that the ADAM Insanity was a good part caused by fried brains thru this kind of use (instead of some of the lame 'occupational' uses the advertisements showed ?)

How much of the result was Fontaine intentionally making the effects worse to further his plans ? ( Addictive, Mental effects, debilitating ... )

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ADAM How It Works :

ADAM causes Stem-Cells to form in your body which allows modification of specific tissues. Plasmid/Tonic DNA are also added which will guide and activate these Stem-Cells to form structures in a body to give it certain abilities. Plasmid (modified) tissues use EVE as an energy source/catalyst ( an alternate high-energy metabolism mechanism ) which is used up when the abilities are used. Tonics are similar but don't consume EVE to power their function.

The Tissues created this way slowly break down ( and to some extent original tissues grow back or revert to normal patterns/functions ). To restore the 'ability' function, additional ADAM is needed to rebuild the patterned tissues, along with another booster of the patterned DNA ( which also gets used up as tissue is modified ). Some Plasmids/Tonics are more stable than others and require less frequent 'boosting'.

Taking more than one Plasmid/Tonic can lead to 'genetic turbulence' where the tissue pattern changes interfere with each other ( simultaneously or sequentially ) which can lead to disrupting the ability targeted tissue and/or other tissues, resulting in deformities/tumors and other systemic disruptions.

Different individual are effected to different degrees. Some peoples bodies can build up resistance/allergies/immunity to ADAM manipulation, bringing more secondary effects and requiring more ADAM to get the same ability effect. Some people the tissues don't break down as fast, in others faster.

As ADAM technology advanced, narrower DNA patterns may have been developed which cause less turbulence and destructive reactions, both singularly and when mixed. Correct dosages of DNA to match the Stem-Cells also left less floating around in the body to interfere with later uses - particularly important for the more complicated Plasmids which required 'phased' modifications where changes had to be made in a specific order ( using time delayed release of DNA and activation chemicals ).

Tissues once damaged will largely stay damaged or remain for long periods while the body slowly rebuilds itself. Stabilization factors may have been added into the process to alleviate some damage by using some fraction of the ADAM produced Stem-Cells to re-institute/repair ordinary tissues using the persons original DNA.

Tenenbaum's Cure is based on greatly increasing this 'fixer' process to restore most tissue to its natural DNA created state, as well as washing out any interfering Plasmid/tonic DNA and eliminating/destroying non-original tissue for rebuilding ( a slow process if the body system has to continue to function through the whole process ). Thus, obtaining ADAM is still important in the MMORPG to effect the 'Cure' which restores Splicers back into ordinary people. This process is being accelerated by a separate process of culturing X-Cells from a person's DNA, which act similarly to ADAM Stem-Cells when used to restore the person's original/natural DNA tissue.

Tenenbaum : "ADAM acts like a benign cancer, it destroys native cells and replaces them with unstable stem versions. While this very instability is what gives it its amazing properties this is also what causes the cosmetic and mental damage. You need more and more ADAM just to keep back the tide. From a medical standpoint this is catastrophic."

TAKING More and more ADAM to retain the same modifications/abilities, more and more reactions and secondary effects that make the ADAM less effective ( for the targeted ability ) and requires larger amounts. SO Pouring more ADAM into your system leads eventually to destabilize it even more, with increasing negative effects - especially if done frequently - not allowing the body to re-stabilize itself.

Some of these Stem-Cells may destroy/modify original tissues, but others add to the body alongside the original structures ( ie- your hand is still their along with the 'Insect Swarm' structures. Things that you need to function for you to live have to remain undisturbed ).

Real-world Stem-Cells BECOME specific tissue. These "unstable ADAM Stem-Cells" should be 'used up' to repattern/build the new modified/replaced tissue. But some don't wind up in the right place or are repatterned wrong ( randomly or are scrambled by conflicting Plasmid/tonic DNA ) and cause the various disruptions/degenerations. Some of the Stem-Cells may be delayed in patterning themselves long enough to become damaged/erratic and thus malfunction.

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Totipotent and ADAM, ADAM and Totipotent :

  • Having unlimited capability. A "totipotent" cell has the capacity to form an entire organism. ADAMs Stem-Cell process fit  this definition.
  • Unfortunately if not controlled properly, it results in 'genetic turbulence' and disruptions of the structure of the  organism.
  • Splicing Plasmids too frequently and mixing different 'flavors' led to disrupted genetic changes that afflicted so many people in Rapture. In some cases quality control of the 'consumer' products were also a cause.
  • Explains how Delta could be reconstituted from some skeletal remains scraped out of a clogged sewer.
  • The X-Cell therapy used in the 'Cure' process has to be carefully monitored and adjusted to prevent recurrence of more genetic turbulence ( having mechanisms from the Vita-Chambers do this would make the process much less difficult/tedious ).

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NO. ADAM NOT Being "Stem Cells" :

Recent (real) research on Stem Cells has a Theory that (some ?) real Stem Cells introduced in a human may NOT actually be used to build the new tissue, but may release chemical triggers which induce cell tissue regeneration/generation phases within existing cells.  

That might explain Sea Slug ADAM is NOT Stem Cells ( THEY CANT BE that is IF its from a significantly different organism - Quite far from "human" Stem Cells, and CERTAINLY NOT having a majority of the target's (user's) DNA).  Instead much simpler/realistic is a mechanism to introduce the chemicals that induce Stem-Cell formation and/or regeneration of human tissues ( which in the game are used to re-form body tissue applying the extra DNA from the Plasmids ).  That would also account for cases where the small volume of ADAM being taken results in far larger amounts of body tissue reformation.

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MORE, Too Rosy Was ADAM (The Story) :

The BS1 plot backstory implied that many people in Rapture started using ADAM products in order for them to Compete with others already enhancing their abilities. Which, IF they didn't, THEN they would be left behind ( or so the advertisements said ). This implies that ADAM products had to be advanced to consumer product quality and quite cheap (or few people could afford to take them constantly for such a Mania to take hold). Such large-scale use HAD to have eventually started manifesting the bad destructive side-effects ( contrary to the seemingly sudden problem just being 'realized' after Fontaine was 'dead' -- "Slow down Mary" Smart Splicing Public Announcement from BS1 ) ... AND well before "It was ALL Ryan's fault" ( that lame plot smear require for the 'Twist' ... ). Rapture's Newspapers WOULD have had a field day with such enticing scare stories, which would lead to large numbers of people being afraid to even touch the stuff, and probably resulting in calls for lynching Fontaine as the purveyor of such poison OR revenge on him by people ( or the relative of ) whom his product had maimed.

But then, if that had happened, the game story's ADAM Plague may have been stopped/marginalized -- which wouldn't work for the simplistic Twist|Twist-required]] game plot, or the easily contrived Fail-Topia(tm) game setting .

A more logical story would have mentioned hugely accelerated/widespread use of cruder ADAM concoctions for fighting the 'civil war'/Citizen's Self-defense, and Fontaine having destroyed information about any stabilizer components previously added to the ADAM Products ( He wanted disorder after all, and his minions were just cannon-fodder to him ). Also, the situation was NOT everyone in Rapture taking ADAM, but with sufficient numbers who did being affected by it. It did not take that many crazy/destructive Splicers to disrupt enough of the City to change the way everything worked and threaten everyone's safety.

Ryan wanted HIS City to live, and so he would try to avoid creating more damaged/crazy people - thus would choose handling the Splicer Terrorists a different way ( despite McDonagh's inconsistent verbiage ), through use of heavily armed security/a mobilized militia/expanded security measures, and THEN needing further alternatives ( like the Pheromone control of Atlas's Splicer army of terrorists ). That strategy progression was apparently largely achieved by the time of BS1 ( Atlas was desperate and on-the-run by that point ).

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Tenenbaum Got It Wrong :

Tenenbaum didn't have the words to describe it, or have the 'modern science' understanding to KNOW specifically how ADAM really worked, so instead had given her opinion/interpretation of what she observed :

The Reality :

  • ADAM really acts by converting your body tissue cells back to Stem Cells (unformed cells) so they can be regrown following same/different DNA/RNA.
  • Early ADAM products were medical treatments to restore a person by using the person's own (original) DNA pattern (already in all their cells). ADAM targeted into damaged tissues ( with their original DNA ) as a repair/healing therapy.
  • The mod Plasmids/Tonics add additional DNA or RNA to create their 'abilities'. That can conflict with your natural DNA, causing all kinds of problems ( like eventual tissue rejection ).
  • The more conflicting genetic material, the more messed up you get ( and the more damage to your body - tumors etc ... ). You then have to take more generic ADAM to repair that damage as you Splice more (additional Plasmids just complicate your health problems - notice few Splicers had more than one Plasmid).
  • It is also only temporary, as you body's own DNA tries to reassert itself.
  • ADAM cannot be 'Stem Cells' itself. Real Stem Cells are YOUR own cells with YOUR DNA in them - So it wouldn't likely originate in a Sea Slug organism would it ? Neither can it be some generic no-DNA cells compatible with your body. ( That causes catastrophic tissue rejection ). Otherwise, the Splicers WE saw having massive changes (like Spider Splicers) would have had to inject large portions of their bodyweight of that (illogical) 'Stem Cell' ADAM to change as much as they did.

So again ADAM is a chemical cocktail which causes human tissues to REVERT to stem-cell form, to either reform normally or have some select genetic changes grown into the body's tissue. It could thus originally function as a Venom for a Sea Slug because it disrupted its prey by dis-functioning/disrupting sufficient body tissue (and so killing/disabling it).

Splicing DAMAGE REVERSAL - If you can sweep all that genetic (mod) garbage out of your body, and then apply sufficient Clean ADAM to allow your body to rebuild all its damage, you could go back to having all your own ORIGINAL DNA and have stable tissue. Minor genetic garbage could be cleaned out by the body's natural mechanisms, which handle the cancer cells which continually form in your body your entire life. So other therapies which help healing and suppress diseases ( which might strike you in your weakened state while recovering ) probably would be significant to any REVERSAL 'Cure' process.

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ADAM's Genetic Modifications  :

Some Tonics and Plasmids would use natural formations/functions of existing human tissue, but add additional capacity : ie- Brute Strength adds to mass of existing muscle, and expand the body systems which allow that tissue to operated ( pulmonary, respiration, digestion, nerve reflexes, etc ... )

Other ADAM-based changes could add NEW tissue formations with different/additional functions. You normally have no 'gun' in your arm to fire blobs of 'fire' thru ... ( The MMORPG might have more of a natural 'throwing' action animation for variations/versions - a simpler physiological mechanism than it acting like a 'gun' ).

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NOTE : All these Plasmids/Tonics are subject to Commercial Advertising exaggeration as well as GAME perceptions by the Player who is a recent massive weapons-grade ADAM user, who's mind may be significantly affected by that substances (ab)use.

Older Plasmids of less violent nature were subject to more Advertising for a longer period of time ( Rapture Kinda fell apart when Combat Plasmids became the highest volume/priority of production ).

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How much did you have to use ADAM before it started showing visual effects - We are not really told/shown.

Possibly those injectors were used for other drugs also in Rapture's World ( when in BioShock-Developer-Land they were loath to create additional '3D' assets for anything minor ).  There were plenty of other "recreational" drugs available, and maybe even other ones that were sold saying that they were BETTER than ADAM's 'recreational' effects (and possibly cheaper).  ADAM's effects also didn't seem (to us) to last very long, which would be an interesting thought -- That all thru the game we were "high" with all the various accompanying distortions of reality, etc..  ( We did see those 'ghosts', which might be more hallucination than any rumored "RNA memories". )

Booker had Spliced, employees at that Lounge in BaS1 looked to do it as part of their job, without any side-effects obviously showing ( as briefly as we saw them ).  But that's also DLC for which the game company/writers/Levine might not have been caring much about continuity of details or subtleties.

Idea for MMORPG Flashback : Jack starts gibbering to himself as the side-effects of all that ADAM kicks in. ( Jack under our control didn't say a word the whole game. )

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If you can sweep all that genetic (mod) garbage out of your body, and then apply sufficient Clean ADAM to allow your body to rebuild all the damage, you could go back to having all your own ORIGINAL DNA and stable tissue . Minor genetic garbage could be cleaned out by the body's natural mechanisms which handle the cancer cells which continually form in your body your entire life.

Other therapies to help healing and suppress diseases ( which might strike you in your weakened state while recovering ) probably would be significant to any REVERSAL process.

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We saw lots of signs advertising the sale of Tonics and Plasmids (and "ADAM") outside (Through windows) on the buildings, so stores/shops did sell ADAM products ( and various medical practices used them ).  Of course the vending machines meant that applying the Tonic/Plasmid had to be very simple (largely automatic), versus earlier more-manual application by specialists/practitioners.

The Health Stations also apply some kind of (Medical) ADAM product.

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The ADAM Industry Issues :

Beyond the Medical Uses ... Lets not forget people don't all flock out to get these things at once. Many people can't afford it, don't want it, etc. When they see bad product reviews, they're not going to be flocking to poison themselves. Not many people go out to buy stuff they know is toxic, or alternatively don't know much about at all. "Addictive" or not, there's also the option of using a competitors 'better' product, which may prove less toxic ( though it seems risky for most people for a product which so far is only a 'fad' ).

Usually even in Free Market societies, products are tested. A bad product will cost the company its reputation and likely its staying in business. This testing is done by paid volunteers, or animals first ( remembering that, there being no regulation on doing so, no "paperwork" to go through, this would be cheap and desirable for a medical company. )

It's perfectly acceptable to be able to try to sell toxic products, however it is not to falsely market them as 'Safe' as did the ads playing down the problem as "Plasmid Blues." ( Which sounds like an early discovered side-effect for even moderate ADAM users ). A company that withholds information (as did Tenenbaum/Fontaine regarding the addiction and the later insanity and tumors) and who willfully poisons or kills it's customers would be considered liable and sue-able in an Objectivist society.

Ayn Rand, and most Free Market Capitalists, make it very clear that deceit is a form of coercion, and Ayn Rand was very much for the government facilitating legal proceedings to remove all forms of coercion.

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BaSx Crap ADAM Story Abuse


In BaSx (DLC) Fink is RetConn'd into having used ADAM to create that game's magic fantasy potions ( was never mentioned/justified in Infinite BS ). He apparently had stolen the technological ideas from Rapture through some Tears. It then required him to OBTAIN the ADAM producing Sea_Slugs, to allegedly reverse-engineer the ADAM Bio-Technology, to mass extract the biochemicals from the Slugs, AND to create his own genetic-modification Plasmids ( very difficult even in Rapture with all the genetic scientists in residence ), AND create a method of inserting the genetic changes into people.

(( So easily written, but lacking plausibility - a lazy/crude backstitch to justify the game label of "BIOSHOCK" ))

It is the kind of Wave of the Hand simplicity that one finds in rather bad Fantasy/children's cartoons.

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New and Improved Plasmids/Tonics Came in Orally Applied Form ( and less the popular Suppository-Form maybe ... )  :

Many people don't like Needles ( especially ones the size of those used for knitting ), and more wouldn't want to do such injections themselves. Maybe addicted Splicers don't care, but these ADAM devices were meant to be consumer items originally, usable by less enthusiastic users ( Ryan/Sinclair would capitalize on THAT to push their versions, if Fontaine didn't ).

The whole "uses 10 X as much ADAM" BS from BaSx is alot of writer gorp, as that very limitation spelled its not moving forward as a commercial product until that issue was solved -- and thus all the illogical crap that followed evaporates into the Rejected-DLC-Bit-Bucket ( Perhaps a nightmare Suchong had, reminiscent of Japanese occupied Korea where the 'wrong move' spelt katana-swung death ).

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ADAM and the Tough Little 'Little Sisters'  :

Steinman : " Not only are those little girls veritable ADAM factories, they're nearly indestructible. They regenerate any wounded flesh with stem versions of the dead cells. But their relationship with the implanted slugs is symbiotic ... if you harvest the slug, the host will die. "So you see, it's not like killing," Tenenbaum said. 'It's more like removing a terminal patient from life support.' "

One wonders HOW MANY Sea_Slugs were needed for this symbiotic arrangement to be discovered/developed/perfected ? Particularly when part of the story is an ADAM shortage precipitated by having TOO FEW Sea Slugs - requiring Fontaine TO CREATE Little Sisters, and then later even all those not being enough for the ADAM supply he wanted to get rich with.

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"Splasmids" Another Typo Funny  :

Plasmid, not just for Adults -- now for Children too...

New child flavorings, for little mouths - no needles needed.

'Make Johnny a Genius or a Sports Star OR BOTH !!!!' (advertising hype)

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Local Application - ADAM Medical Procedure -- 'Done By Professionls'  :

Plasmids and Tonics are not locally applied to the body ? We are shown that SOME are 'drunk', while others are injected (like into an arm). Even for the nice glowey Plasmid bottles we find laying about in the Game's Terrain, we usually don't see the Process where they are actually applied to the user. The original BioShock game's presentation for ADAM is simplified, and is made immediate ( it IS a Shooter game, and not some semi-realistic RPG ) to have/need/be-burdened-by anything more complicated.

Remember, many of those ADAM items ( we see in BS1 ) are from a time LATE in ADAM's development ( Kashmir Incident period and later ), when earlier forms of ADAM products may largely have been applied by physicians/ADAM shop attendants/technicians. In-game, we get MOST of our Plasmids/Tonics from a machine where you DON'T see what is done to apply it. ( "Stick your arm in this hole" ?? - Such an application method might be needed to facilitate "locally-applied" problemless/automatic administration to a 'convenience' customer. More realistically ( as much as can be for futuristic Sci-Fi 'genetic' tech ). It would be an application process of several components in very specific order/timing - and not anywhere near as fast as the in-game (expediency) shows. A sit-down booth system would be logical if it takes some time, or when the ADAM application is likely to 'shock' the applicant's body ( Note - the physiological weirdness you see in the game application may also be the result of cruder 'civil war' used Plasmid/Tonics ).

Some of the ADAM genetic functions are systemic/operate across your whole body, and others are centered around placement in a particular arm/hand. Massive tissue changes being locally/precisely positioned, are likely to be required ( What exactly makes a Right Arm genetically different than a Left Arm to have the modification form just on the 'Right' arm ? -- if the Plasmid is applied 'generally' into the bloodstream ?? ) DNA/RNA works via a balancing and specific mix of protein generation and genetic-triggers of local tissues, and requires a long controlled sequenced of application, while the human body is formed. Later, similar tissues afterwards react largely the same, and really can't be differentiated as a 'construction zone' ( with some sign to "*Make Modifications Here*" ), to work as some generalized injection/ingestion application. So there must be more to the Plasmids/Tonics transformation mechanisms Process to have them do what is required.

(( Too much detail ?? Lots more detail in an MMORPG than in a "shoot-em-up", which can gloss over potentially interesting detail on YOUR way to yet another boom-boom slaughtered target. ))

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"RNA Memories" - Why didn't/Don't we get them from blood transfusions ??

And ADAM mutated that shit away anyway -- so that's bogus ( One of those 'sounds good' ideas sci-fi authors abandoned years ago ).

Need another explanation -- Jack was just "Mental" ...

He did have various 'memories stuffed into his head when he was 'built'(conditioning process), so no doubt he picked up a few incidental conversations. The human brain can fill in alot of things and 'memories' get created which never happened. Turning such into a 'daydream' should be more common in the abnormal/affected brain.

AND Sorry, no QIB ( Quantumz Interdimensional Bullshit ) in MMORPG Rapture to explain this phenomenon.

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Medical Tech - Before ADAM and After ADAM

Anti-biotics were the latest things in World Medicine around the time Rapture started, and alot of the advertised ADAM products were medical-related ( I hadn't heard of Phossy Jaw before seeing one for curing 'that' ).  So there probably were very many different/specialized products of just that kind ( ex- we never got the name of the one(s) Steinman used for his surgery   -- EZ-Slice-N-Dice, Good-As-New, Dr Sterns Liquid Suture, Scar-B-Gone ... ) .

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ADAM a Poison ( Probably its Origin as a Poison used by the Sea Slug Organisms )  :

An interesting thing about ADAM's effect - too much tissue in transition for too long (being non-functional) can be damaging or even fatal to the 'prey' or 'enemy'. So control of the tissue to which the ADAM is applied (and its dosage) is important, and also how much change is allowed at any one time.

Apparently, many real world Venoms have dozens of different components, and many of those are potentially useful as medicines for various treatments. This Stem Cell generation/regeneration thing they had the ADAM do is a bit more complex ( and would have to be something common with lower lifeforms biochemistry for it to make sense to be IN the Sea Slugs poison in the first place ).

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Other Things ADAM Enabled :

  • The Stem Cells mechanism allowed ( besides the rebuilding of tissues via new/modified patterns of genes) : Therapies ( many Medical Applications ) to repair/restore cell/tissue damage utilizing the patient's existing DNA . ( This was likely the first uses for ADAM. )
  • Manipulation of single cell organisms to produce/increase production of valuable chemicals IE- making certain pharmaceuticals, and more common organisms used to produce alcohol or methane, and likely foodstuffs/additives.
  • Brain Boost used to accelerate the understanding/development of technologies, including furthering Genetics, and how to manipulate it ( and to thus accelerate further ADAM developments and potentially every other technology in Rapture ).
  • Bio-Electronics - the forming/patterning of cell structures for conversion to inorganics with 'electronic' properties.
  • Various (tissue based) Human Cosmetic modifications
  • Associated Research assisting in Technologies of mutated/hybridized Plants and Animals ( for Rapture's Food Supply ). It was mentioned in the game that the ADAM genetic mods worked on plants ...
  • For those who could afford it : Additional ADAM applications could UNDO various body tissue damage done by previous ADAM use ( Why do you think Sander Cohen wasn't a walking Tumor ? Sander Cohen may have been one of Steinman's bigger customers.)

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New Cherry Flavored EVE for Children :

Yep, they got children to Splice too ( Fontaine insisted on making sure of this, like any smart/immoral Drug Pusher ).   There would be many Tonics for health issues (childhood diseases)  and various 'improvements' to behavior  and such  ( Like the Popular Children's Tonic : "Sit Down and Shut Up" ).

Plasmids For Children ???   Might take some consideration.  Could there be any laws for this in Rapture.

Responsibility in action in society ...  There practically HAVE to be some age limits.

Little Johnny's Spots - is that Acne or 'Genetic Pollution' starting to eat away at his brain, as well as his face ???

Dealers selling 'dope' ADAM to minors.  If it is as addictive as implied in the game ... Somewhat expensive ?   But there were at least some affluent children who could afford it, and lesser quality knock-off versions could exist ( We never know how much of the ADAM product market price was (jacked) used by Fontaine to recoup his R & D costs. )

Children might be affected to a greater extent by the genetic side-effects than adults.  Wouldn't THAT become obvious to public awareness faster, and be mentioned in the Press ( "Why Does Johnny have Three Eyes ???" ) and again blow away the whole storyline of all the negative effects being delayed for years ( allowing ADAM to become 'popular' and 'widespread', and only then SUDDENLY cause a Plague of Insanity and Tumor'ing ).  Perhaps, there WERE ALOT more people in Rapture who decided to avoid using it ( and with Rapture's limited population, that would make Fontaine getting so rich much more unlikely ) :

  • "The Devils Genomutagen",   
  • "Just say 'No' to ADAM", 
  • "Tonics are the Gateway path to Plasmids"
  • "If Lung Cancer is ugly, wait til it starts growing on your face !! "
  • "Fontaine : Poison-monger or Rapture"
  • "ADAM the New Dope"
  • "I can quit ADAM any time I want !!!" - 'Sure Mac, sure.'

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ADAM Product Disclaimer :

  • May cause life-threatening side-effects, not limited to : Tumors, Insane Giggling, Bad Breath, Runny or Stuffy Nose, Suicidal Thoughts, and Cerebral Lesions.
  • Other known side-effects are :   Headaches, Eye Discoloration, Hardened stool, Significant Addiction.
  • If you have thoughts of causing mass mayhem or gross bodily harm upon others, stop taking ADAM immediately and consult a medical professional.
  • Taking ADAM may cause Dizziness, don't drive or use heavy machinery/weapons/Combat Plasmids.
  • Fontaine Futuristics is not responsible for any property damage which may result of improper use of their products.
  • Refunds will only be given for products in unopened packaging and with the original receipt.


More potential side effects ( all taken from real side-effect disclaimed on TV commercials ) :

  • Suicidal Thoughts or Actions
  • Skin Irritation and Blisters
  • Bloody Diarrhea
  • Dry Mouth
  • Oily Discharge
  • Brain Bleed
  • Temporary Leg Weakness
  • Abdominal Cramping
  • Swelling of the Tongue
  • Constipation - no wonder Splicers are so ornery
  • Hallucinations
  • Peeling of the Skin
  • Seizures
  • Vision Problems
  • Pseudo-tumor (inflammatory reaction)
  • Severe Bleeding
  • Pulsating Sounds
  • Runny Nose
  • Trouble breathing
  • Blurred Vision
  • Kidney and Liver problems

Various disabling side effects - internal damage is NOT so easily shown ( as are the skin lesions and external tumors ), and can be far more disruptive ( perhaps those Splicers were to sick to wander around and to come attack you ?? )

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Green Goop :

What exactly did Splicers who killed Little Sisters do with raw/crudely extracted ADAM anyway ? Wouldn't someone else have to Process it to make it usable ?  -- It is plausible (?) that using it in that form (or crudely refined) increased the side-effects ( making such Splicers even crazier... - A possible excuse for why the ADAM-Disease symptoms earlier took so long to manifest in the City, and then too suddenly accelerate ).   We see Jack/Delta/Sigma feed it into Gatherers Gardens after direct 'extraction'- so the Gatherer's Gardens machines could do the refining ?  

Official Payment in 'ADAM' should be the refined stuff you could still take to the Gatherers Garden machines.   Ryan should have seen to it that those ADAM product machines would NOT accept the stuff stolen while killing Little Sisters ( being an important source needed to keep his City running - he wouldn't make that behavior convenient ).  But Ryan was rather busy trying to keep Rapture alive ( seemingly by himself[1] ).

"Bathtub" ADAM : as we saw in several locations, would likely have such bad side effects and thus be a reason we saw so few Splicers using Plasmids ( besides the prevalent state of low ADAM supplies ).

--- --- ---

ADAM Therapies for Kids ( Sugar Coated Like Cereals ... ) :

Actually, think what Plasmids/Tonics WOULD have been made specifically for 'kids' ( a third of Rapture's population had been kids )

  • DoYourHomework/StudiousChild - a concentration/perception enhancer
  • StopFidgeting - you think Ritalin is bad...
  • GoodLittleRobot - behavioral modification for treating those 'acting out' headaches children
  • QuizKid/LittleGenius - a variant of BrainBoost
  • SpeedGrow - aging accelerator to get the munchkins past the 'terrible twos' quickly and painlessly (sort of)
  • AutoSpank - remotely invoked punishment - no need for a confusing delay or any physical exertion
  • EatYouVegetables - adjusts a child's desires for sugar to healthy vegetables

(and many more)

--- --- ---

Additional Common Tonic Treatment Ideas :

  • Perfect Sight -- no more glasses
  • Rejuvenate - old become young again - probably an expensive complex set of treatments
  • Scar Removal - Scarface no longer ...

--- --- ---

Why Not JUST Have a Plasmid that Produces ADAM ? ( Idea - good one Seen on some online forum )  :

In other words : If you can make Plasmids/Tonics do all those other things, why not have a genetic development to produce the basic ADAM ingredient ( the Slug-produced chemicals that allow stem cell regeneration/redirection ) ?? Then there's No more shortage/limitation.

Probably a simpler physiological/genetic task than trying it genetically produce half the magic powers shown ( the physiological changes needed to put into the Users body ) ...

BUT THEN the game story wouldn't be the same :

  • Cheap ADAM products - NO more people being made 'poor' to buy it for their addiction (or need to compete) - With reduction of any 'emergency' of its production when the terrorist chaos starts (so no Even-MORE-crazy Splicers 'needing their Fix', and killing to get it.
  • No seizure of Fontaine Futuristics ( Even with Ryan actually being justified to do so, it would eliminate the story ability to label him a hypocrite/tyrant/evil-meanie target/bad-guy )
  • No Gatherers nor Protectors are needed ( Oops, half the fun of the game and its icons gone ... )

I suppose it could be 'justified' via some aspect making it ( this ADAM producing genetic mod ) incompatible with the human physiology - a 'fact' which could be made up to block it from the story. (( The inability to breed/raise a plethora/abundance of Sea_Slugs was itself a story element contrivance to force a 'Shortage' situation. ))


Crazy Fun --- Lets Take It Further :

  • An ADAM-based 'genetic mod' to produce Expensive 'good' wine/booze and 'prime beef' ( The MMORPG 'user' doesn't have to be human - unless they want to be ).
  • A genetic mod that makes you insanely happy
  • One that creates a 'lighthouse-man-city' in a bubble ...
  • EVEN BETTER - one that makes you a Quantum Dimensional god !!!!

--- --- ---

ADAM-Infused-Plants (Fontaine Futuristics Project) :

Not sure what ADAM really is.  It should be something that causes body cells to revert to a Stem Cell form to be repurposed into different tissues and be susceptible to healing and to genetic modification ( and it is NOT Stem Cells itself .. definitely not human stem cells ).  With that function it could ( its origin, reason for existing ) naturally act like a Venom, disrupting an organism it was introduced into, either as a poison defense or to disable and eat prey - The natural reason why the Sea_Slug would have it.

It initially was found to naturally form in a certain kind of Sea Slug.

Creating ADAM-infused-plants might be an attempt to produce ADAM - A project disrupted by the 'civil war', or failed by being impractical in being too hard to cultivate, or not containing sufficient ADAM, etc...

  • Those Hypnotic Orb thingees ( those Plants seen in the Fontaine Futuristics company Secret Section ) perhaps were a possible attempt.
  • The plants that Gil Alexander sought like a cat does tuna fish - a good start - at least containing ADAM precursors ( as a 'slug' he might be able to process their nutrients to produce ADAM ).  This possibly was an attempt also to improve a food source for captive Sea Slugs to produce more ADAM.

It is possible that Sea Slugs could eat some natural plant and concentrate ADAM from them, but obviously such hadn't been a key source one way or another, as that plant was never found.  More likely their system synthesized it from whatever nutrients they consumed.

Hypnotize Polyps on same/similar plants (??) with specific Plasmid built in to the plant produce that effect ... That is a separate issue ( possibly as a subsequent project after the ADAM-production project failure ... ) *OR* is it actually as separate NON-ADAM mechanism - like easily absorbed LSD/Roofie type chemical ????? .

Others ( besides Fontaine ) may have been working on developing this idea, as a cheaper more plentiful source of ADAM would have broken open the entire industry and made whoever developed it quite rich.

--- --- ---

ADAM Produced By Others ? :

That ADAM lab in Sirens Alley was pretty crude ( coulda been trashed between the BS1 to BS2 interim maybe ? ). BUT WE don't get many details about what's involved in ADAM production ( remember the green slime filled bathtubs ? ) There is little mention or visualization of the Processes of How/What components are added for refining ADAM ( ie- the GENETIC components previously being cultured for Tonics/Plasmids/Therapies ), and any additional packaging components.

( Funny would have been : That bootleg place knee deep in empty ADAM syringes - there for refilling ... ). I could see a scene where Fontaine, when he (now Atlas) last left Fontaine Futuristics, was carrying out a sack of petri-dishes/vials with all the seed genetic cultures for all his Plasmids/Tonics to be used in his Atlas-run clandestine labs.

Quality probably went downhill, possibly leading to even more/quicker instability/deformities in Atlas's ADAM-users ( which he really cared little about ). THAT also might give motivation for having the nice shiny Gatherers Gardens ( selling quality product ) tempting ALL the Splicers to use them ( and THUS be subjected to Ryan's Pheromone Control mod ).

(( It is amazing all these ideas/analysis WE can have to fill in the games setting -- possibly far from anything the original writers considered or foresaw or intended ... ))

--- --- ---

Deck of Mind Reading/ESP Test Cards :

In Grace's Apartment on the floor in Eleanor's old bedroom.  I suppose she may have been being tested or Eleanor testing herself.

No indication that ADAM gives you ESP though many of my proposed Faux-Psi mechanisms ( which could more logically account for some of the Plasmid effects ) do overlap with that general classification ( if you can jam brainwaves, perhaps another mechanism can sense them - Either that or someone gets 'real good' at reading/perceiving face-gestures/skin-temperatures/other-indicators ).

--- --- ---

What Exactly do Little Sisters Drink Out of Corpses ?? :

Stem-cells form into tissue ( become the modified tissue which Plasmids/Tonics use to reform the body to do their physical effects ).  So that's not actually IN the blood ( unless you catch a Splicer right after injecting itself). 

So the ADAM's active ingredients ( or broken down constituents of it ) must be something that stays in the blood ( actively intervening with the body's original genetic structure to keep it from reverting back to its normal form ).  The components eventually degrade and lose their effectiveness and the original genetics reassert themselves ( though with possible distortions/disruptions that lead to tumors and further side effects ).

The average human body has 5 quarts/liters of Blood in it. THAT alot of Blood to Chug. And if the ADAM is in the body tissues, it may take a while to dissolve into the Blood ( a reason they 'Gather' from rotting corpses ). Does it seem this whole thing is getting less savory ?? Spiders inject a venom into their prey to liquefy the body tissue of their Prey. At this point its becoming TMI (to much information) which the Player may NOT really want to know.

The ADAM (in blood) is then reabsorbed by the Sea_Slug/mutated tissues of the Little Sister, from where it can be 'extracted' ( some method we are never told ).  There does not seem to be an ADAM multiplier effect in the  normal human body ( as there is in the Sea Slug/Little Sister Symbiotism ), otherwise Fontaine would have had a vampire 'farm' of  humans to feed blood to LS to greatly increase his business output ( Heh, doesn't mean he didn't try it ).


Those Little Sister's Glowing Eyes :

There seems to be a Bioluminescent component to the ADAM producing mutations which Little Sister get as part  of their Symbiotism with the Sea Slug.  Pretty colors of the Sea_Slugs ...  Lotsa glowing goodies in Rapture after they did research into that area  ( Tech based on  Bioluminescence ... ).

--- --- ---


When you 'Rescue' Little Sisters, How Exactly Do They Give You That (~80) ADAM ?  :

When you "Harvest" them, you physically tear the Sea_Slugs out of them and somehow extract the ADAM (somehow) from that.

When you "Rescue" them, the Sea Slug is allegedly left inside them, so how is the ADAM delivered to you ?

Image of coughing up something like a cat with a hairball ... Hmmmm.   ( Just like how do they 'hand in' their ADAM when they 'return to base' thru the Vents. )   Maybe it is best not to know ...

What do you put this Raw ADAM in, and How do you get it into the Gatherers Garden machine ? Many questions which the MMORPG will be answering.

--- --- ---

Bathtubs Full of Green Goop ( we saw in several places ) :

One wonders if that was Little Sister vomit ( imagine the smell - but then IMAGINE THE SMELL in the rest of Rapture ... ) waiting for 'processing' to extract the raw ADAM ( which then would need further somewhat more meticulous refining and conversion ).

On the other hand, it may have been algae culture used to feed 'pet' Sea Slugs, which also would be a likely source of ADAM ( easier to care and feed them than Little Sisters ). Later, with the decline of the availability of 'fresh' corpses (and Little Sisters) for Gathering, Sea_Slugs would still be the main source of ADAM.

--- --- ---

An Inspired Product :

MMORPG -- To go with ADAM and EVE, there is now "SERPENT". A marketing gimmick, maybe something that handles the hangover you get after the ADAM stuff wears off. Cleans stray genetic garbage out of your body - probably is of use in "The Cure" Process. What it is made of would have to be 'special' : Surinamian Sloth Droppings, or somesuch. ( Have an Audio Diary of Fontaine complaining about how hard it is to obtain that noisome substance. )

Next one can be called "APPLE" ..... Nah, that would be just stooopid.

"Snake" ?

--- --- ---

ADAM and Rapture, Rapture and ADAM... :

Splicers lose their powers unless they take more ADAM ( and have more genetic side-effects each time and if they take too much or they mix too many ).

Tenenbaum about ADAM : "After exposure, a constant supply is required to maintain its effects; otherwise the user deteriorates into madness." ( From Minerva's Den Audio Diary ) Actually the madness is already there, as the behavior of ADAM powered Splicers shows. Just as most addictive drugs have an effect while in the persons system, there are different effects/symptoms caused by the 'withdrawal'. Damage from using ADAM is cumulative (genetic turbulence) and the 'deterioration' is inevitable no matter how continual the dosage.

Assume that the ADAM used for Plasmids/Tonics is slowly neutralized/destroyed by the body.

  • I guess Jack/Delta weren't there long enough to have to need to 'boost'/'renew' their Plasmids/Tonics.

Earlier 'consumer' Plasmids/Tonics may have been designed to wear off faster, requiring more to be frequently bought.

  • With ADAM shortages during the 'civil_war', such inefficiencies may have been eliminated.

The net loss of ADAM has to be made up for or Rapture's Splicers will progressively have fewer powers ( many we fought used only conventional weapons and may have only had tonics ).

  • Bumper crops of corpses probably has largely ended, and many corpses were never recovered (ADAM lost).
  • How efficient the Little Sisters are in recovering all the ADAM from a corpse would be another loss.

Having Fewer Little Sisters would also Limit ADAM production :

  • Sea_Slugs could be used directly, but at a much slower generation rate ( allegedly 20 to 30 times less ).
  • Sofia Lamb created many new LS, which by the time of the MMORPG (2-3 years later) would still be around. And the factions may continue the practice independently.

The Little Sisters do generate new ADAM without having to do their blood drinking act ( which requires those corpses with ADAM in them to 'recycle' ).

  • That may have become the prevalent mode, rather than let them risk walking around trying to find too few corpses. - Where/how to keep them might be a bit sticky with Big Sisters still in the equation.
  • Some Splicer Bosses or their minions might be smart enough to recondition Little Sisters to have a new 'home' and others may have the resources needed to create new ones.
  • More of the LS ADAM 'recovery' process may be revealed in the MMORPG, but the use of the 'sick bucket' may have to have a 'fogged over' effect ... ( preferable to excretion via the kidneys I suppose ). The Alternative is something like how they feed Geese to make Foie Gras ...

How complicated it is to 'refine' the ADAM they collect/generate wasn't shown, except by Jack/Delta taking raw ADAM from the Sea Slugs directly ( or somehow getting it from 'adopted'/rescued Little Sisters ).

  • A Gatherers Garden was used to pattern the ADAM for Plasmids/Tonics ( done locally in the machine it seems ).
  • More meticulous processing might be more efficient ( done by Lamb's/Ryan's/Fontaine's technicians/labs ).
  • Bootleg ADAM dealers may have 'cut' the Plasmids/Tonics they sold, leading to all kinds of bad side effects.

Did Sander Cohen ever do his version of that Maurice Chevalier song 'Thank Heaven for Little Ghouls' ???

If all the Gatherers Gardens machines were destroyed ( or their local ones anyway ) is there another way for Splicers to get the specific Plasmids they want ???

  • How complicated THAT process is wasn't really shown either ( other than a 'vending' machine could do it fairly quickly ).
  • The Gatherers Gardens also didn't charge anything but probably took a 'cut' of the ADAM as payment ( maybe a big cut ??? )

--- --- ---

Snap Gurgle and Pop - Sound of ADAM Plasmid Being Applied :

How fast does your body reconfigure itself during the process ( more complex changes take longer ? )

Bioluminescent effects (glowing veins) added as a sales gimmick ??

Amount of ADAM created Stem-Cells in your body likely effects speed of transition ( against extent of changes - Incinerate! combat Plasmid 'flame thrower' required more physiological changes than that 'Bik' Lighter early consumer-grade versions ).

State of your body - The transition uses up resources and energy, so eat a hearty meal beforehand and don't Splice within an hour of eating ( or you will get worse than cramps ).

--- --- ---

Old Plasmids/Tonics/EVE  :

Actually, in all the game timeframes ADAM and EVE are still being manufactured. Some items we used were next to a long dead corpses that seem to have been laying in place for years. Mentioned Previous - Sofia Lamb's apparently not caring about health issues by leaving corpses lying about for years - even in Persephone were she actually lived -- and in that damp environment - the SMELL in Rapture might've been really impressive if we had THAT element in the game ). ADAM traces must act as some kind of preservative/deodorizer (Yuck, too many Coroner/CSI scenes on TV shows).

Supposedly (?) EVE is made from ADAM somehow ( and maybe we really don't want to know how THAT is done, after knowing what Little Sisters do for ADAM. ) It is more like a biological FUEL that your Plasmids required, so it can be a much simpler substance ( and probably one that was synthesized ).

Some EVE you get from (on) Splicers you just killed, and at least those could be 'fresh'. With sufficient purity, the EVE may last a really long time (Unless that blue glowing IS using up some chemicals for the Bioluminescence, like Luciferin uses ATP -- thought that really IS just a game feature, and need not be required on the MMORPG ).

Old defective Plasmids and Tonics ( and Bootlegged inferior quality ones ) may be a big hazard in The MMORPG. Players won't be using them much - except in Flashbacks, but the effects will be seen for the Splicers still out there who do.

--- --- ---

Actually, How Expensive Were The Generic ADAM Products To The People of Rapture ? :

This would be even after full consumer production was under way and for the basic ADAM products, instead of premium priced new or deluxe types.

If too expensive, then few people could afford it ( How much discretionary spending did most people have ) ?

And thus to what extend was it actually used by the majority of the populace??

Small doses that only last for a while ?  How much and for what purpose ( the game content implies Genetic 'Splicing' was useful in actual job and life applications -- Or was that just advertising hype ? ).   That would mean repeated use AND cost.

The Buried at Sea DLC shows Fontaine as having an awful lot more commercial ventures than in the previous games and depending on the size of the ADAM market it may not have been able to be like that.  Even with BaSx not being Canon, Fontaine was shown (in BS1/BS2) as having other ventures, so the issue still exists.

  • How many actual years of profit making production of ADAM ? ( Really only profitable once it reached consumer grade production ... )
  • How big a market ? ( As the Little Sister situation was a limiting factor for potential volume ) 
  • Offset of R&D and other costs -'Brick and Mortar', etc - managing/transporting/selling.  No profits, no  'diversification' for Fontaine ...
  • His fake philanthropy would absorb significant money ( though some of that was actually part of overhead costs for raw materials for the ADAM.. ).   Did Fontaine's shoddy charity really cost that much, or even actually help that many people ?  More exaggeration for the game plot ? 
  • You also don't just start companies of all those other things from scratch ( and it takes know-how and TIME , not just money ).   With the size of Rapture, 'competition' isn't as easy to get going in such limited  markets.   If he criminally 'Strong Armed' owners out of their businesses, how long before he got a shotgun blast to the face by one of his victims ? 

(( The gamewriters kinda left that factor out ... would have got in the way of their convenient "Failtopia" plot. ))

--- --- ---

Interesting Plasmid - "Play Dead" :

Gives appearance of being dead (with realistic smell ?).   It may not have been an intended manufactured result, rather just something discovered when some Splicers took too many different Tonics/Plasmids at once ( or a test version of some Plasmid/Tonic was a flop ).

Frightening thought - for not all of Sander Cohen's "Plasterpieces" were the people dead !!! -- So when YOU (Jack) come along and start shooting them for your own amusement ... they start to bleed ...

So they might have been just dormant and trapped - forced to be perpetually subjected to Sander Cohen's 'Art' .. a horrifying fate ...

--- --- ---

ADAM Usage Dropping (by BS1 Time) ? :

The Pheromone Control thing may have greatly lowered the need for the quantity of ADAM, as the fighting largely ended, and the Splicers were calmed down. Similarly such 'control' might help to mediate the addiction effects of Splicers WANTING ADAM.  That would be a reason for Fontaine Futuristics ( Now relableled "Ryan Futuristics" ) being closed, with Little Sisters unloading their ADAM (however that works) at Ryan's other facilities. The abandoned place was later reactivated under Sofia Lamb and later became the haunt of Alex The Great.

--- --- ---

"Must've Taken the B-Grade Plasmid" ? :

This would be heard said by a Doctor-dressed Splicer in Medical Pavilion (BS1).

Consider : Lesser quality Plasmids and Tonics were available in Rapture even before the 'civil_war' started.

Not everyone could afford to pay full price, and more than a few people used them despite the stories in the Newspapers about the bad effects many of them had on their users.

It is likely Atlas fed such low quality ADAM to the 'poor' because he wanted more crazy people that Ryan would be forced to deal with, while HE 'the hero' denounced the Emergency Police State methods which had to be deployed to protect the majority of Rapture's citizens from HIM.

Discount Plasmid Depot ( Nobody Beats Our Prices !!! )

--- --- ---

Hey, He Looks Familiar !!  :

Someone's Hypothesis : Recycled ADAM with attached DNA made Splicers start Looking ALL Alike.

Which would Account for all those Splicers in the games which looked the same, and talked the same, and ...

--- --- --- --- ---

  1. Ryan SAVING Rapture : Understand - the gamewriters forced this action role solely upon him, despite all the other people who could have given him some help there in Rapture in this emergency. The plot required they all abandon him, lose all loyalty, even illogically denounce him -- even when THEY were also under threat by the terrorism happening. Of course with what power Ryan and the Citizens should have had, they could have quickly wiped Atlas and his Terrorists out - That is IF the Objectivism (the writers said existed in Rapture) was actually allowed to do what it fundamentally does. But the gamewriters were NOT capable or were TOO LAZY to have the mess/crisis happen in a more plausible way.


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End of : *** ADAM ***






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Now for an Advertisement from Ryan Industries ...


Spoiler Warning !

This WIKI contains plot details about the BioShock games.




Fantasy ? ? ? I Andrew Ryan Reject This !!!

Is not the Player due a proper Sci-Fi game paid for by the $60 Sweat of their Brow ??? The Game Companies say " NOOOOOOOOO ! The players will eat whatever rubbish we set before them !! "

"SO I left the Parasites and created "BioShock: Rapture Reborn" , a MMORPG place where the Player will FEEL they are in a real 'World Under the Sea', and the Players IMAGINATION will Pull The Great Chain !!! ..... "






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Contrary Opinions are Being Offered HERE !!!!

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Because I WANT computer games to be better than what we typically get from the Game Industry, and perhaps by pointing out ClapTrap like BioShock Infinite, strong criticisms being voiced might serve to SHAME the makers of such substandard games, and MIGHT cause them to DO BETTER in Future.


I wont hold my breath that this will happen though.

Note - This Wiki is for people who have the ability to NOT lose attention for content posted in MORE than 144 Characters of TEXT


Money makes Rapture go round...

Drink *CalciO* And Achieve Greatness !!!


















WARNING - YES, This whole Wiki is a 'Thought Experiment', and YOU are the Test Subjects !!!!!

( So are YOU Alive or Dead as per this whole Concept ??? )



*WARNING* - This MMORPG contains blood and gore, intense violence, mild sexual themes, strong language and use of alcohol and tobacco.



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*** Fanboi Spoilage Alert ***  :

The contents of this Wiki may Collapse the Fanboi's vision of the BioShock games from being "The most greatest awesomeness thing evah !!", into just one of the many average games ... ( Your reason for existing may decline severely and/or your entire viewpoint of the universe may be utterly crushed. )

You have been warned.



MANY Images on the Rapture Reborn Wiki are taken from the BioShock video game series or from websites created and owned by 2K Games, the Copyright of which is held by Take-Two Interactive Software, Inc. All Trademarks and Registered Trademarks present in those images are proprietary to Take-Two Interactive and its subsidiaries. The use of such Images to illustrate articles concerning the subject of the images in question is believed to qualify as fair use under United States Copyright Law, as such display does not significantly impede the right of the copyright holder to sell the Copyrighted material and is not being used to generate profit in this context.
































Final Disclaimer : I am aware that various Fanbois think any kind of negative or different comments about BioShock makes me a "Poo Poo Head" ( in their minds ), and they feel fully justified in their 'Being So Offended' by my contrary ideas, and for their fervent wish to Silence anyone talking/thinking expressing such things ...

But I don't give a Rodents Rectum about such small-mindedness and slavish infantile infatuation with a game ( or its writers ), Nor for those who merely complain-whine out of their own Attention Whoring mental issues.



